What is Terpene?
You can find Terpene in pine trees or even in oranges.
"Terpene" is the name given to a class of chemical substances in essential oils obtained from a certain plants such as pine trees or oranges.
It is widely used daily, and can be found in beverages, processed foods, and everyday household items, and for industries, it is used for fragrances, pharmaceutical intermediates, and raw resins.
You can find Terpenes almost everywhere
Tackifier resin
Beverages/process foods
Industrial/household cleaners
Solvents for electronic materials
Insect repellents
Structure of Terpene
Regarding its chemical make-up, Terpene has a basic molecule containing five carbon atoms (isoprene), and for which variations have a number of additional carbon atoms, but in multiples of five. The class having 10 carbon atoms (C10) is known as monoterpene.